The name "Ali-Ollie Woodson"

Junco (=J):Thank you very much for accepting my interview.
Ali-Ollie (=A):O.K.

J:How is your baby ?
A:He's fine, yeah, he's fine
J:So, what's his name ?
A:His name is Ali Jr..
J:It's a very easy name to remember.
J:I'd like to ask you about your name, but does your name, also your baby's name "Ali" have religious meaning, like Mohammed Ali ?
A:Yes, my mother named me when I was 9 years old. She changed my name 'cause she was a Muslim.
J:You used to call yourself Ali-Ollie Woodson, but these 2 or 3 years, you're telling me to write your name as "Ollie Creggett" when I write to you, aren't you ? Did you change your name ?
A:No, "Creggett" was my name at birth on my birth certificate. "Woodson" is my father's last name, and "Ollie" is my grandfather's name, and my mama named me "Ali" when I was 9 years old. So "Woodson" is on all my identification, "Creggett" is not. It's from my birth certificate.
