Family & Birth
Ali-Ollie & Lateasha (1993)
J: Well, I'd like to ask you about your family, but do you have musicians in your family ? A: Yeah, my daughter Lateasha is a singer, a recording artist from Motown. J: Anybody else ? A: No, only I &my daughter Lateasha are musicians. J: When is your birthday ? A: September 12th, 1951. J: Where were you born ? A: In Detroit. J: Where did you grow up ? A: I grew up in Detroit to the age of 8, Milwaukee Wisconsin until age of 14, and then i moved to Alabama where my grandparents live till the age of 17. J: Are they your mother's ? A: Yes. Then during growing up I lived in Chicago and St.Louis, and joined army at 17. J: How long did you belong to army ? A: 2 years and 8 month. J: Were you working only in States ? A: Yeah, I was at stations only in States.