How did Ali join Temps ?
J: Well, can I go back to your old days ? A: O.K. J: Who introduced you to The Temptations, or would you explain how you became to join The Temptations ? A: Yeah... I was 11 years old, I think, when I was living in Detroit or visiting Detroit to see my father. My father took me to Melvin Franklin's house where Melvin's mother was there. He kept telling her that I sing. So she said "Sing something for me", so I played piano and I ]sang for her.
Melvin Franklin & his wife Kim (1988)
J: What did you sing at that time ? A: I don't remember what song it was. I sang might be a gospel song, I'm not sure, but I sang for her in Melvin's house. And ever since then, she told Melvin about me "one boy who can sing, one day he's going to be somebody." A: So time went on, you know, I kept in touch, and I joined The Drifters and so, 'cause I got to be big, you know. And I guess the right time came around, at the right time I joined the group, never lost touch. It was Mama Rose, that's Melvin's mother's name. She is the one who kept on about me.
And one day when they were looking for somebody, you're grown enough and get out and in now.
So I came out from Birmingham to Georgia. And they were asking different people who was the best singer down in Georgia, and everybody referred to me. But they didn't know how to "find" me.J: I really know how difficult it is to "find" you.
( He is always moving around ! )A: Yeah, hahaha...
Well, so I just so happened to show up the gig at the last day in town. I showed up and said, "Hi, Melvin". They let me in and set me down in the limo and asked me if I was ready. I told, "Yes, I'm ready", you know, and... you know what happened after that.
Melvin Franklin & his wife Kim (1988)